Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bad Poetry Monday: Just Another Day in the Life

Just Another Day in the Life
It's Monday and the sky is a brilliant blue,
While walking to work I got gum on my shoe,
I stopped to pour myself some coffee,
Now there's a stain all over the front of me,
My boss got mad and ranted and raved,
My teeth are on edge, my nerves are frayed,
For everyone else this is a great day it's true,
But I might as well be stuck to the gum on my shoe.

Happy Monday y'all!!


dunkdaft said...

My teeth are on edge, my nerves are frayed

hehe. Good one.

Anishok said...

This is exactly how I feel every freaking Monday!

Especially this Monday, cause a) it's raining, b) I slipped and fell from the bus steps c) I got a shitload of work to be done d) do I need to continue?...Happy Monday!

Pitu said...

The gum on my shoe... wah wah! wah wah!